Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Gemini: Google AI’s


Introducing Gemini: Google AI’s latest language model

Gemini: Google AI’s

Google AI has been at the forefront of developing large language models (LLMs) in recent years. These models have the ability to generate human-quality text, translate languages, and answer questions in an informative way.

In March 2023, Google AI released its latest LLM, called Gemini. Gemini is a family of models that includes Ultra, Pro, Flash, and Nano. Each model is designed for different use cases. Ultra is the largest model in the family and is designed for highly complex tasks. Pro is the best model for general performance across a wide range of tasks. Flash is a lightweight model that is optimized for speed and efficiency. Nano is the most efficient model and is designed for on-device tasks.

Gemini is built on top of Google AI's PaLM (Pathway Language Model) architecture. PaLM is a 540-billion parameter model that was trained on a massive dataset of text and code. This dataset includes books, articles, code, and other forms of text.

Gemini has a number of advantages over other LLMs. First, it is more accurate. In a benchmark of different LLMs, Gemini was able to correctly answer more questions than any other model. Second, Gemini is more efficient. It can generate text faster and with fewer resources than other models. Third, Gemini is more versatile. It can be used for a wider range of tasks than other models.

Gemini is still under development, but it has the potential to be a powerful tool for a variety of applications. It could be used to improve the quality of machine translation, to generate more creative text formats, or to develop new educational tools.

Here are some of the potential benefits of using Gemini:

  • Improved machine translation: Gemini could be used to improve the accuracy and fluency of machine translation. This could be beneficial for businesses that need to translate documents or websites, or for people who want to communicate with people who speak different languages.
  • More creative text formats: Gemini could be used to generate more creative text formats, such as poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc. This could be beneficial for writers, artists, and musicians who are looking for new ways to express themselves.
  • New educational tools: Gemini could be used to develop new educational tools, such as personalized tutors or interactive learning experiences. This could be beneficial for students who are learning new subjects or who need extra help with their schoolwork.

Overall, Gemini is a powerful new LLM that has the potential to be a valuable tool for a variety of applications. As it continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and useful ways to use it.

In addition to the benefits listed above, Gemini also has a number of other features that make it a valuable tool:

  • It can access and process information from the real world through Google Search. This means that Gemini can be used to answer questions about current events, find information about local businesses, or get directions to a new place.
  • It can generate different creative text formats, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc., and answer your questions in an informative way. This means that Gemini can be used for a variety of creative and productive tasks.
  • It is still under development, but it has the potential to be even more powerful and versatile in the future. This means that Gemini is an investment in the future of AI.

If you are looking for a powerful and versatile LLM, then Gemini is a great option. It is still under development, but it has the potential to be a valuable tool for a variety of applications.

I hope this blog post has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Complete guide to protect your Google Account

How to protect your google account

How to protect your google account

Dear friends today I’ll share with you the complete guide of “how to protect your google account” from hackers or stealing or even to recover it if you forget it.

No one on these days hasn’t a Gmail account or google account using it as a personal or for work or just to setup any android devices, so it is important to be sure it is secured and protected.
So, let me show you and please follow the steps as is.

1- Open your browser and sign it to your google account with your email address and your password.
2- Click on your email avatar on the right corner and press on (Manage your google account).
3- Press on (personal info) at the left and check your Name, Birthday, and it is recommended to change your password now.

4-      After that go back to (personal info) and scroll down to Contact info and it is very important to set a recovery email another than google account like as yahoo or Hotmail (as for me I putted three recovery emails) it is used in case you forget password of your google account or just hacked by another someone, and also set a recovery phone numbers to be easy for google to sure that you are how owner of that account.

5-      After completed go to (Data & personalization) and press (Get started)

6- Press on (Manage web & App Activity)

7-      Press on (Activity controls)

8-      Turn off Web & App Activity and uncheck the two options as below:

-          And it's preferred to let Auto-delete to be on automatically to clean up your activity.
9-      Scroll down to (Location History) and turn off it and also let Auto-delete be on

10-   Scroll down to YouTube History and turn off the setting and uncheck the two options: ( for me I turned it on – but you turn it off)

11-   And the last and IMPORTANT setting make sure that (Ad Personalization) option is turned off.
-          This option collects your activity and your devices information and the websites you are visited and recommend ads as per your data collected
12-   After did all above settings and back to (Data & Personalization) you will see settings as below:

Security Section:-  Press on security and then on secure account

14-   Important one is to setup (2-Step verification) if it is turned off press on it to turn it on and you will see the following page and press on set it up

15-   If you already logged in with your google account on your android phone  you will see the following page and all you need to do is follow the setting to turn it on

16-   When pressing the next you will see the following page and press get started

17-   You will see your android phone listed here to get prompted – make sure your phone on your hand and press try it now and press yes on your phone  

18-   After that you will see the next page asked for your cell phone number put it and press send

19-   You will receive a SMS with code write it and press next

20-   Press turn on as a final confirmation with the setting you’ve got

21-   And you are successful turn (2-Step verification) setting on – and it is recommended to create a buck up code from the following page in case you need to reset your password and lost your phone to can retrieve your google account

22-   Scroll down on the security page and press on manage devices to recognize the devices you are signed on it with your google account and remove access from devices you are not sure about it

23-   And also press on (Manage third party) to review all of third-party application gain access to your google account and remove any app you didn’t give access to it (here sure WhatsApp gain access to my account to make a backup of my messages)

24-   The last step is going to (People & Sharing) and turn off location sharing and of course turn off (Shared endorsements in ads).

Remove google account with D-G Unlocker Tools

D-G Unlocker Tools

Remove google account & FRP for all androids

منقول للأمانة من المصدر

G531H google account remove

G531H google account remove

G531H google account remove

  • - On all of sites and forums there is a different ways to remove Google account from Samsung phones with Android 5.1.1
  • - But Samsung device G531H after doing format or restore the factory settings, google account can be deleted easily by the old fashioned way (cable otg) and the program google accout remove.apk

If that method did not work you must be flashing device with four files, and then do the same way above.

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Yassien Technology

حذف حساب جوجل اكونت سامسونج g531h

حذف حساب جوجل اكونت سامسونج g531h 

Samsung Grand Prime G531H

كما يوجد في جميع المواقع والمنتديات طرق مختلفة لحذف جوجل اكونت من تليفونات سامسونج الحديثة ذات الاندرويد 5.1.1

ولكن جهاز سامسونج g531h وبعد عمل فورمات او اعادة ضبط المصنع يمكن حذف جوجل بسهولة منه بالطريقة القديمة

طريقة كابل otg

 وبرنامج google accout remove

وان لم تنفع هذه الطريقة يجب تفليش الجهاز بفلاشة اربع ملفات ثم عمل الطريقة نفسها